MEFALLS #3 | Smalls Falls | Phantom 4

Smalls Falls Rangeley, Maine
.25 | Easy

Before I get started, let me thank the young ladies and gentleman that let me take some video while they were cliff jumping. I didn’t get all the footage into the final video; if you would like a copy of the video you’re featured in please shoot me an email to and I’ll get

MEFALLS #2 | Mosher Hill Falls | Phantom 4

Mosher Hill Falls Farmington, ME
.25 | Easy

This was filmed very quickly one Sunday morning as we were headed out of town for the day. The sun hadn’t quite fully come through the gorge so lighting was a bit sub-optimal. However, we were still able to get some good shots of Mosher Hill Falls. We’re still in a bit of a drought

MEFALLS #1 | Houston Brook Falls | Phantom 4

Houston Brook Falls Pleasant Ridge, ME
.25 | Easy

So much fun! The lovely MotherGoat gave me an early Christmas gift and I took it out flying to make this video. I’m not quite sure what to say about the Phantom 4 other than it’s fricken amazing and a metric shit-ton of fun! This was my first real attempt at flying while trying to